Conversation Between Complex1ty and the presidant

9 Visitor Messages

  1. 420 i c wat u did ther
    opkay wat ur ral name so i can cum find u and gib u moneyz
  2. only 4 20 small payments of $40
  3. very nice sir pls tech me
  4. yea dats why they call me raifkilla :^)
  5. herd u sley tha raifs
  6. Sir WraithKiller69, how far away are you from the Adam WiMAX tower? Just curious. ^_^
  7. YEAYEA! :P cheers
  8. the pussy prince has made it 2 one year. congrats fellow adelaidian.
  9. FUS RO DERPP - I know, I derped it to today's date xD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9