Conversation Between Pork. and Link

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. ♥♥♥♥ mum no pls
  2. get in the fking corner ♥♥♥♥. or ill have a word with your father.
  3. c; im 12 i can do what i want now mum
  4. link youre to young to have that sig.
    go to the naughty corner.
  5. i can only send it through trading lol
  6. Send me it now :3 ?
  7. thanks hun
  8. ill give it to you next week then lol
  9. I wont be able to get on steam till tomorrow D: could you perhaps hold it for me ? :3
  10. get on steammmmmmm
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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