Conversation Between D4NNY and Undercover Martyn

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. Get me on your team kay :L
  2. daym
    so all the hackers joined up onto one team ?

    lost interest in cs man :L

    nba 2k13 these days
  3. csgo cgm mirin?
  4. Sweeeeeeeeeeeet brah
    yellow looks ugly for you
  5. i aspire to be lyk u
  6. HUH ?

    what happened to you ?
    dropping too ? :L
  7. get with the times idiot
  8. ikr... but i wake up at like 9 ish these days so :L
  9. bro im not gonna be able to get up at 7 for the first day, so early...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 24
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