Conversation Between Delta and Knitting

10 Visitor Messages

  1. but Booshti will be naked delta.... that's ok huh?
  2. But I left a packet of skittles in the back....I didn't plan on your escape.
    I need to give booshti his money back
  3. I have escaped from your van.
    We need to talk about the lack of air-conditioning and the bad seatbelts. If you get pulled over by the cops, along with the kidnapping, it wont look good!
    ps your rego is out of date.
  4. Sorry buddy but I am giving you away this month to the raffle winner... Please pack your suitcases and say your goodbyes. I will pick you up end of December...
  5. Yeah of course...
    Its got a white card and is cleared with the CFMEU.
  6. That van better have a strobe light, vehicle number and UHF radio or it wont be allowed on site.
  7. Delta if you see a Black van with a sign saying "TASTY TREATS INSIDE" you really should go inside that sinister looking van.
    Just Saying...
    Nothing to worry about....
    Its all cool.
    Its not like it is there to abduct you at all...
    That would be stupid.
  8. Hey Delta stole your raffle post and used it for my own evil means... thanks it was just easier
  9. Hey hey!
  10. Hi there....
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10