Conversation Between jimmyshoes and Cuffeh

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hai mate;

    Nah I wouldn't delete it, deleting threads is like...only when shit hits the complete fan basically, and things just aren't going to improve within the people commenting themselves.

    It's just for fun, it's a little out there,lol, but then again, not really compared to some of the shit I've seen written on here.
  2. Hey Cuffeh

    I doubt this thread is appropriate or even serves a purpose?! If I could I would delete it.

  3. will absolutely, again thank you so much for your obvious support

  4. I don't play Dust often, but if you need anything just ask.
  5. thank you very much,look forward to working with you

  6. Congrats on the new tag
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6