Conversation Between Knitting and Muffbag

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. You are going under the soft rubber wheels of my old person mobility scooter...
  2. Oh its you......Sneaky becca. I hope all is cool.
  3. Boobies
  4. boobies
  5. nevah gonna happen!
  6. Also i need to change you name to Yu Luv Chads Ki pie...
    Its all for the best.
  7. Sorry Becca..
    You are going to hate my next idea....
    It is about changing your servers name to Team Nickelback.
    Mine to NBDM.
    And Jailbreak to NBACKBREAK...
    I hope you embrace the changes.
    Much love
  8. Becca
    We miss you....
    Come home we have cookies...
    Signed DTK community..
    PS they are really good cookies straight from the oven...
  9. you're welcome. =)

    I know you only asked for the line about the guide dogs, but I figured the line about taking up knitting has become your tag line on the forums, being as it's been in your sig for so long, figured it should be there. =)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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