Conversation Between Angro and Satalin

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I have returned with a gif just for you.

  2. I don't know, DTK loved me so much I was a insta-memeber,.
  3. Lol i love anime :3 watching Accel world right now >.<
    but i call bs, Neophyte was introduced before you joined, so how u become insta member 0.o?
  4. You don't like anime, well then

    Also when I signed up I was immediately a [M], so glad I never had to be an [N] or a [T] XD
  5. Was just checking out your join date, cos you said you went from [M]-->[EM] i was like - no wai he was before Neophyte was introduced.
    Y u such a anti-profile-stalker-anime weirdo :3

  6. what were you doing on my profile...?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6