Conversation Between Fishy and MagicKarp

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. I feel lkke crying from watching the last scene lf pokemon movie 1.... I need hugs and a tissue!!!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhh
  2. Go on, DOOOoooo EEEEeeeeeeeT!
  3. Im reporting you to council for pikachu abuse
  4. Make the pikahu stop!!!
  5. Wow that pikachu has been at It for a long time now...... XD
  6. Ah ok Mate
  7. No can do, don't do name changes any more, it makes tracking players harder..
  8. Mate are you able to change my forum name to > Recon Pancake
  9. Ocheers mate ot pikachu > rachui
  10. 1 hr not 1 d :P and it wasn't one person who made the decision.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18
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