bh11 has four letters therefour he should just fourfeit befour i start PUNishing him. Do u really think you can beat me? i will mako you crazy. Your probably Wandering how im going to mako you crazy. When you least eggspect it, my trap with initiate. You will only have 30 seconds to escape. Sorry to burst your bubbles BH but your time is up. you are going to have an ELECTROfying experience. This is what you get for medallioning with me. You have broken my limit. But i will give you an ULTIMAtum. Either you fourfeit or your will be PUNished
Bob has 3 letters and bad has 3 letters so Bob = Bad
bh11 B is for Bad H is for Halfwit 1 is the amount of kills he gets in comp 1 is his rank in silver Written and Directed by Bob
Bob. B is for bad puns O is for old puns B is for bad puns Written and directed by bh