Conversation Between Knitting and Terminat0r

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks knitting ill let you know. omg everyone is ditching me cuz of this virus haha. Nah its all good
  2. Hey terminator i have blocked your account. When you are cool just message me and i will unblock.. Bl buddy
  3. Good one, exactly what i was thinking...
  4. I have already granted it you will find $10 dollars in your wallet.
    Which is exactly the same amount to donate and win a copy of Farcry ...
    Spooky isn't it.
  5. Rafflefairy grant me a wish
  6. Knitting buying peoples affection since 2014
  7. wooohoo cheers Knitting love you too <3 <3
  8. Because i love you... You now have goat stuff
  9. Hah Knitting! Good stuffthis week man u shud get a mic bro! Look forward to seeingu more around gg4, ill whip out my knife more often then lol
  10. Hey terminator thanks for the game this week.
    I enjoyed playing against you.
    You are now my favorite stabby thing..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10