Conversation Between Synthetic and Iamipood

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha xD Ah yea, cheers man :3
  2. oops. must of been someone else :'(
    When you loook for a car, i can halp
  3. No idea to be honest :P Also, I don't live in Sydney? I live in Tenterfield xD
  4. Yallah.
    What car do you want
    Also where abouts in sydney do you live m8
  5. 16 :P I don't have a car, not yet O.o Going for my L's next week ;D
  6. How old are you?
    I'm 15 and i got a car ;3
  7. Haha yea, well I don't own a car yet so yea :P
  8. Omg Jelly/10
    But i'd have my tools. My car outside and all my mechanics shit.
    Barley play on this pc anymoar
  9. Haha it is, got all my shit in here, PS3, PC, bed, anime etc etc. Pimped out ;D
  10. LOOOOL.
    Fair enough =)
    that'd be mad fun ;3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 34
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