Conversation Between Fillet-o-Fish and Complex1ty

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Depending on how much it costs. If it costs too much then I won't get it because I already have a Kat skin.
  2. I've already got a Kat skin? What one are you on about?
  3. Lol, nice.
    You thinking of getting that Kat skin?
  4. Just got another Penta with Kat
  5. Yeah ^_^
  6. Do you believe me?
  7. Nice mate.
  8. Got me self a Vlad Penta!!!
  9. Dude, use LoL Recorder, it's like 10mb of Ram and it records the game files so you can view them later. Easy stuff.

    Enjoy ^.^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
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