Conversation Between Ham and KT

56 Visitor Messages

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  1. pls log in again 2 verify the legitimacy of the claim that u have no frends :^)
  2. ayyyyyyy
  3. I'll 're add u when I get home and I Rly am le soz, will explain Thnx bae
  4. soz 4 being dickhead friend :^).
  5. Ok fine ima jus leave :C
  6. Stfu noob.
  7. its a shame you're as annoying as them.

    I tried to re-add you to appolagise for being immature and also to talk to you about a possible JB v Surf practice game, but seeing as you never liked me I guess it's all G.
  8. KT friend :^)
  9. holy shit KT u weird ♥♥♥♥, im going to ddos ur mum
  10. wtf...
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 56
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