Conversation Between shadowsl4yer12 and the presidant

91 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're not worthy.
  2. I finally sold my corvette and decided to buy the dodge which you have.
  3. Hahaha
  4. I think Kanuge wants to raid me right now but he cant find me
  5. ok fagboy xoxo0xo0ox0
  6. Pm me or facebook cbf hopping on computer and goin on steam
  7. Mof oooooooooooo come on steam i need to chat
  8. Corvette is sooooooo shit.
    Get a better car or save up,
  9. You should give me 30k on perp so I can buy a corvette, the price is going from 125k to 500k or something tomorrow
  10. hacks
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 91
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