Conversation Between Atariowns and The-Rev38

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. your an old fart
    gtfo ^_^
  2. 42 .....
  3. Just tell me how old you are<3
  4. oh thats right we don't talk unless you call " its so BIG" talking...
    To think of it I never see her Face .
  5. nup she doesnt know :P
  6. Mate ... mate
    Just Ask your mother .
  7. mate its spelt
    ps atari how old are you?
  8. REV !!!!! U MOFO
    I will Destory u .
  9. hey atari
    guess what
  10. OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! Nugget !!!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 38
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